Always tax actual profits in the consuming country

Ewout Klück

Ewout studied Systems Engineering Policy Analyses and Management in Delft from 2000 to 2006 and has therefore gained a lot of knowledge of how the government is structured to support society. During his career he has contributed as an engineer to the renewal, expansion and maintenance of the primary infrastructure of the Netherlands. In addition, he is always interested in politics and regularly gives unsolicited advice to parties and administrators when he sees that things can be improved.

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2 reacties

  1. december 8, 2020

    […] English version […]

  2. december 9, 2020

    […] to find a way to make this more affordable by the state. That way has now been found and concerns closing loopholes in the law and no longer allowing certain tax advantages for companies. This means that the tax that is levied […]

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