De-Equal is an initiative from Management in Complexity based on the belief that the Netherlands is founded on the right ideals, but that the effect has slowly reached its limits. The system is being refined in parts by politicians, but the underlying disruptions are not seen or adjusted.
According to De-Equal, larger adjustments are needed in the system to minimize unwanted effects. By analyzing where the real pain points are and solving these with system changes, De-Equal hopes to be able to contribute to a social structure that fits the Dutch ideals.
De-Equal is a wordplay on the idea that everyone is equal at birth, but that at the same time an effort in the social interest can cause some degree of inequality. After all, the prefix “de” is used in English as a negative of the underlying word, as in demotivation. At the same time, De-Equal is a nod to the Dutch word “degelijk” meaning thorough, with which a certain quality of society is pursued.
De-Equal is currently being filled in as a blog to present the first pain points found and possible solutions. Given the social impact of the solutions, your involvement is appreciated. You can start by actively spreading the ideas and referring people to this site. We are still thinking about how we can have more impact together. If you have any thoughts about this, you can report to
If you want to support De-Equal and the initiatives that are taken, you can also contribute financially. You can transfer any donation to account NL45 KNAB 0256 4346 97 in the name of Management in Complexity o.v.v. De-Equal.